Bird Lover’s Beware! ~
Here is a list of some of the more common plants
that are poisonous to birds, dogs, cats, equine and other domesticated
livestock as well. This list is not comprehensive by any means so please
use common sense. Plants that are listed as poisonous to humans and other
animals should
absolutely be considered deadly to birds. Please make sure that these
plants are removed from your bird's surroundings for their safety.
Animals do not have the enzymes required to
process some foods so things that may be OK for humans to eat (chocolate,
avocado, alcohol, caffiene and carbonated drinks, etc) are very deadly
to your companion birds. Please see our Healthy
Bird Diet listing for more info on a proper diet for
your companion birds.
- Acacia
- Aconite
- Aconitum
- Agapanthus
- Alder
- Almond (seeds & leaves)
- Aloe vera
- Andromeda
- Amaryllis (Naked Lady)
- Angel's Trumpet
- Apple (seeds)
- Apple leaf croton
- Apricot
- Arrowgrass
- Arrowhead Vine
- Asparagus fern
- Atropa belladonna
- Australian Flame Tree
- Australian Umbrella Tree
- Autumn crocus
- Avocado (fruit & pit)
- Azalea
- Baby's breath
- Baneberry
- Beans -castor, horse, fava, broad, glory, scarlet
- Bird of Paradise
- Bittersweet nightshade
- Black locust
- Black nightshade
- Black Snakeroot
- Bleeding heart
- Bloodroot
- Blue-green algae
- Box Elder
- Boxwood
- Brachen fern
- Branching ivy
- Buckeye
- Buckthorn
- Buddist pine
- Burdock
- Butter beans
- Buttercup
- Cactus
- Caladium / Elephant Ear
- Calla lily
- Camel bush
- Camphor tree
- Canary bird bush
- Candelabra cactus
- Cannabis
- Carolina jessamine
- Caster bean
- Castor oil plant
- Cassava
- Cedar
- Ceriman
- Chalice
- Cherry (seeds & leaves)
- Chinaberry tree
- Chinese evergreen
- Chinese magnolia
- Chinese popcorn / tallow
- Chinese snake tree
- Chlorophytum
- Cocoa plant – (chocolate)
- Choke cherry
- Chockcherries
- Common sage
- Christmas berry
- Christmas rose
- Cineraria
- Clematis
- Cockleburr
- Coffee tree plant
- Coriander (cilantro)
- Corn cockle (seeds)
- Corn lily
- Corn Plant
- Cornstalk plant
- Cow bane
- Cow cockle
- Cowslip
- Crocus
- Croton
- Crown of thorns
- Cuban laurel
- Cycads
- Cyclamen
- Daffodil
- Daphne
- Darnel
- Datura nightshade
- Day Lily
- Deadly nightshade
- Deathcamas (black snakeroot)
- Delphinium (larkspur)
- Devil's ivy
- Dumbcane (Diffenbachia)
- Doll’s Eye
- Dracaena (dragon tree)
- Dutchman's breeches
- Easter lily
- Elaine
- Elderberry
- Elephant’s ear
- Emerald feather
- English ivy
- Euonymus
- Euphorbia cactus
- European Bittersweet
- European holly
- European spindle tree
- False flax
- False hellebore
- Fan weed
- Felt plant
- Fiddleneck
- Fiddle-leaf fig
- Field peppergrass
- Fig (Weeping fig)
- Firethorn
- Fitweed
- Flame tree
- Florida beauty
- Four-o-clock
- Foxglove
- Garlic
- Geranium
- German ivy
- Giant Hogweed
- Gifblaar (Dichapetalum cymosum)
- Glacier ivy
- Golden Chain tree
- Golden Pothos
- Greaseweed
- Ground cherry
- Halogeton
- Heaths
- Hemlock
- Henbane
- Hibiscus
- Holly
- Honey locust
- Honeysuckle
- Horsebrush
- Horse-chestnut
- Horse nettle
- Huckleberry
- Hurricane plant
- Hyacinth
- Hydrangea
- Indian Laurel
- Indian Pea
- Indian rubber plant
- Iris
- Ivy
- Jack-in-the-pulpit
- Japanese Show lily
- Jatropha
- Jequirity
- Jamestown weed
- Jasmine
- Jerusalem cherry
- Jimson weed
- Juniper
- Kalanchoe
- Kalmia (Mountain Laurel)
- Kentucky coffee tree
- Kidney beans (uncooked)
- Klamath weed
- Laburnum
- Lantana
- Larkspur
- Laurels
- Leucothoe
- Lilies
- Lily of the Nile
- Lily of the valley
- Lima beans
- Lobelia
- Locoweed
- Lords and ladies
- Lupine
- Manchineel (Hippomane mancinella)
- Mango - (fruit okay: not wood or leaves)
- Marble queen
- Marigold
- Marijuana
- Matrimony vine
- Mayapple
- Meadow death camas
- Mexican breadfruit
- Milk vetch
- Milkweed
- Mistletoe
- Mock orange
- Monkshood
- Moonseed
- Morning glory
- Monstera
- Mother of millions
- Mother-in-law tongue
- Mountain laurel
- Mountain mahogany
- Mushrooms (amanita esp)
- Mustards
- Myrtle
- Narcissus
- Nectarine (pits, leaves)
- Nephthytis
- Nettles
- Nicotiana
- Nightshades
- Nutmeg
- Oak
- Oleander
- Ongaonga
- Onions
- Oriental lily
- Peace lily
- Peaches (pits & leaves)
- Pear (leaves & wood)
- Pencil cactus
- Pencil tree
- Periwinkle
- Peyote
- Philodendron
- Pigweed
- Pitch pine
- Plumosa fern
- Poinsettia
- Poison hemlock
- Poison ivy
- Poison oak
- Poison sumac
- Pokeberry
- Poke weed
- Poinsettias
- Potato (raw & leaves)
- Pothos
- Plum (pits & leaves)
- Prarie oak
- Precatory beans
- Primrose
- Privet
- Psilcybin mushrooms
- Purple foxglove
- Rain tree
- Rattle box
- Red emerald
- Red princess
- Red maple
- Red sage
- Redwood
- Rhododendron
- Rhubarb leaves
- Ribbon plant
- Rosary pea (seeds)
- Sago palm
- Sansevieria
- Sand Box tree
- Satin pothos
- Schefflera
- Skunk cabbage
- Smartweeds
- Snake plant
- Snowdrop
- Snow-on-the-mountain
- Solanum
- Sophora
- Sorghum
- Spider plant
- Star of Bethlehem
- Stinging tree
- Stink weed
- String of pearls
- Strychnine Tree (Strychnos nux-vomica)
- Sumac
- Swiss cheese plant
- Tabacco
- Tansy ragwort (senecio)
- Taro vine
- Thornapple
- Tiger lily
- Tinsel tree
- Tobacco
- Tomato plant (vines & leaves)
- Toyon
- Tulip
- Umbrella tree
- Virginia creeper
- Velvet grass
- Virginia creeper
- Walnut (green husks)
- Water hemlock
- Weeping fig
- Wild black cherry
- Wild radish (seeds)
- Wisteria
- White cedar
- White Snakeroot
- Witch hazel
- Woody aster
- Yellow jasmine
- Yellow oleander
- Yellow pine flax
- Yellow star thistle
- Yew
