use "bird safe" products around your pet!

give your bird chocolate
give your bird avocado
NEVER give
your bird alcohol
NEVER give
your bird iceberg lettuce
NEVER give
your bird anything with caffeine in it
NEVER give
your bird the seeds from fruits
Avian Newsletter Readers/Avian Medicine Chest
Letter of warning from a long-time Customer
As all of you know, from time-to-time we reprint letters that
come from our trusted customers who care enough about all
animals' welfare to take the time to send us their own personal
experiences. This letter comes from a long long time customer
from Texas who lost some of her most precious birds after
using a common household product. The following is her
in her own words:
Please read this, a big danger for dogs, cats and kids.
Karen is doing something to try to stop the sale of this, also the
USA needs to be strict on what is imported from India and China and
we need to be very cautious.
We have suffered a terrible, terrible tragedy last Wed. December 3rd
2008 !!
Two, beloved Cavaliers of mine, Haley and Zoe both ate potpourri from
a decorative basket in my living room . Within hours, they were vomiting
it, convulsing and going into total body rigidity and shock.
We took them to the after hours clinic, they had no idea what it could
be and wouldn't listen to me about them vomiting potpourri at home
and how I had such concerns about the toxic effects of it. They treated
symptoms. We transferred them to our day vet. He also wouldn't listen
to me about the potpourri theory. He said they had "strychnine" poisoning
symptoms. I kept telling him that the potpourri was Made In India,
sold by a company in California and sold at my local WalMart. My heart
told me that it was the culprit of their condition. They declined rapidly
throughout the day and we transferred them back to the after hours
clinic for a second night.
At midnight, I made the agonizing decision to put them to sleep.
Haley was in constant seizures that wouldn't stop, fluid was filling
up in her lungs, body temp was dropping on both of them, Zoe was lying
almost lifeless on the table, struggling with every breath she took.
Every muscle was completely rigid, you couldn't even move her.
I have devoted the last couple of days (now that I can get out of bed
and function) to researching my concerns with the potpourri and have
since found out I was right....... .....there is a lab in England that
has case studies on toxic potpourri from India!! The toxin....strychnine
, which in it's commercial source, comes from a certain tree grown
in India . I am completely heart broken over this.
Please be aware of the potential toxins in any and all stuff like this
in our homes. I would've never guessed this could happen but when I
saw them both "playing" in the potpourri and then after about
two hours saw the symptoms of a poisoning, I just put two and two together.
Hug your babies, Love them and always take lots of photos along the helps later on, trust me.
Karen Cantner, Heartland Kennels, Evansville , Indiana USA
Our Dear Tammy and Paul Carreiro lost 3 of their feathery children
on Thanksgiving day. A tragedy that I pray none of us ever have to
go through. They had no idea that the self cleaning oven they have,
and NEVER used was a danger to anyone. Bubba, the Severe Macaw, fell
off his perch and Tammy called me as she did not see it happen but
the bird was quite stressed. My first question was are you cooking
with anything non stick. Of course her answer was NO> She brought
the bird over to my home and we treated for shock and swelling in case
the fall caused a problem. The bird responded directly and went right
to Tammys shoulder. She took Bubba home. She called me in an hour to
tell me the bird had died. And an hour after that she called again
to say that it was something in her house, 2 more birds were going
fast. I again asked about the non stick cook wear, and got a NO answer.
I then asked about a self cleaning oven and got a Yes but never used.
I knew instantly that that was the culprit. Tammy and Paul already
had all the birds outside and the house airing out thinking it might
be a gas leak.
Christmas is coming and everyone that is cooking and has birds...IF
non stick is safe and no self cleaning oven is either.
The gasses from these monsters act like an acid on the birds insides
and kill them very quickly....We can only be thankful that the
other four birds were spared.
YOUR FEATHERY CHILDREN. You have now been warned, take no chances,
This is far
to important to ignore.
Our love to Tammy and Paul our hearts are with you and thank
you for letting me tell your sad story so that we can, hopefully
save the
lives of other birds in the future.
Karen Allen, President, South Bay Bird Society
P.S. Janet went out and bought a new stove today and dumped
her self cleaning one.
I want to share with you a tragic incident, in hopes that it will
spare you
the loss of your treasured feathered friends.
My grandmother's cedar chest was positioned in my bird room. Since
it was in need of polishing, I looked in my cabinet to find OLD ENGLISH
FURNITURE POLISH, which stated on the label that it CONTAINED
Tragically, after ONLY TWENTY MINUTES of using this product in my
bird room, I had lost three of my precious budgies, Cupcake, Turner,
and Blue. I frantically rushed all other birds from
the room to outdoor fresh air. Not knowing
for certain at this time what epidemic had befallen my flock, I began
mapping the
day's routine in my mind, down to the last 30 minutes. The quickness
and nature
of their deaths was textbook for food or chemical toxicity. Since
their diets had not
been altered on this particular day, and the furniture polish had been
applied only 30
minutes ago, I had to come to the horrifying conclusion that it was
from the OLD ENGLISH FURNITURE POLISH that was responsible for these
I immediately opened all windows and moved the cedar chest out of the
Within TEN MORE MINUTES my sweet conyer, Sunny died in my arms. At
point, my theory was confirmed because even though he was the biggest
bird, his cage
was positioned closet to the chest. My cockatiels were
spared, but exhibited toxicity
symptoms. My theory was that they were not as exposed to the
fumes, since their cages
were positioned further away from the chest and nearer the air conditioning
vent, which
provided some air circulation.
I immediately began treatment for toxicity on my cockatiels using
combined with SYSTAMAJUV, PROBAC, and TRACE MINERALS. I was so glad
that I kept
a stock of products on hand for emergencies. I am very grateful,
because now after about a week
since the incident, my cockatiels, Buddy, Sambo, and Tweety are stabilizing,
showing some weight
gain, and on the way to recovery.
Besides the grief and sadness from the loss of my feathered friends,
I now have to deal with the
guilt that IT COULD HAVE BEEN AVOIDED. I appeal to you to PLEASE
keep the environment
that YOU and YOUR BIRDS live in free from toxic fumes!
Make a point to think about FUMES AND CONSUMPTION TOXICITY levels
when trying a
new product and even using your old ones in your household.
According to The Reckitt & Coleman Household Products report submitted
to the Gov. for
This proves that you can't always trust that the label is giving you
and complete information
about the product.
Please be informed and responsible, you just might SAVE THE LIFE of
a pet, a child, or your own.
Regretfully submitted,Julia
Now in the Frying Pan
TEFLON has been hugely successful for DuPont, which over the last
half-century has made the material almost ubiquitous, putting it not
just on frying
pans but also on carpets, fast-food packaging, clothing, eyeglasses
and electrical wires - even the fabric roofs covering football stadiums.
Now DuPont has to worry that Teflon and the materials used to make
it have perhaps become a bit too ubiquitous. Teflon constituents have
found their way into rivers, soil, wild animals and humans, the company,
government environmental officials and others say. Evidence suggests
that some of the materials, known to cause cancer and other problems
in animals, may be making people sick.
While it remains one of DuPont's most valuable assets, Teflon has
also become a potentially huge liability. The Environmental Protection
Agency filed a complaint last month charging the company with withholding
evidence of its own health and environmental concerns about an important
chemical used to manufacture Teflon. That would be a violation of federal
environmental law, compounded by the possibility that DuPont covered
up the evidence for two decades.
DuPont contends that it met its legal reporting obligations, and said
that it plans to file a formal response this week. If an E.P.A. administrative
judge does not agree, the agency could fine the company up to $25,000
a day from the time DuPont learned of
potential problems with the chemical two decades ago until Jan. 30,
1997, when the agency's fines were raised, and $27,500 a day since
then. The total penalty could reach $300 million. The agency is also
investigating whether the suspect chemical, a detergentlike substance
called perfluorooctanoic acid, is harmful to human health, and how
it has become so pervasive in the environment. The chemical - which
is more commonly known as PFOA or C-8, for the number of carbon atoms
in its molecular structure - has turned up in the blood of more than
90 percent of Americans, according to samples taken from blood banks
by the 3M Company beginning in the mid-90's. Until it got out of the
business in 2000, 3M was the biggest supplier of PFOA. DuPont promptly
announced it would begin making the substance itself.
The E.P.A. is auditing 3M to determine if there were any civil violations
of environmental law involving its chemically related products, Cynthia
Bergman, a spokeswoman for the agency, said. The E.P.A.'s action on
July 8 prompted the Chinese government to begin its own study on the
safety of Teflon, and some stores there pulled Teflon-coated pans from
their shelves, the government-run China Daily newspaper reported.
SOME people who live in or near Parkersburg, W.Va., where DuPont has
manufactured Teflon for 50 years, are not waiting for more studies.
Thousands of them have joined in a class-action suit filed n Wood
County, W.Va., Circuit Court against the chemical maker, which they
charge knowingly contaminated the air, land and water around the plant
for decades without informing the community. The chemical has been
found in the public drinking water at levels exceeding a longtime internal
guideline considered safe by DuPont. The trial is scheduled to begin
next month.
DuPont is contesting the accusations, and insists that neither PFOA
nor Teflon poses risks to humans. "The evidence from over 50 years
of experience and extensive scientific studies supports our conclusion
that PFOA does not harm human health or the environment," said
Stacey J. Mobley, general counsel of DuPont, in a statement responding
to the E.P.A. ruling.
Critics say they will press their fight against the company because
PFOA does not break down in the environment or in the human body, so
the material that has been released could pose a healththreat for
many years. "This is an issue that won't go away for DuPont, because
this chemical will not go away," said Jane Houlihan, vice president
for research at the Environmental Working Group, an organization in
Washington that is DuPont's most vocal critic.
For that reason, some critics said they think that PFOA, and the family
of perfluorochemicals known as PFC's to which it belongs, are potentially
a bigger problem than many chemicals that have been banned.
That could have implications for hundreds of companies that use the
materials, including the makers of popular brands like Gore-Tex, Stainmaster
and SilverStone. "There's a huge ripple effect throughout the
industry," says Rich Purdy, a toxicologist who was at 3M until
FOR DuPont, the controversy could hamper plans by its chairman and
chief executive, Charles O.Holliday Jr., to shed the company's slow-growing
businesses - including the unit that makes nylon and Lycra, both of
which it invented - and focus instead on faster-growing businesses
like genetically engineered seeds, soy-based products and electronics.
While the company invests in those areas, it is banking on steady profits
from products like Teflon.
Teflon-related products contribute at least $100 million in profit
annually, according to company reports and court documents - almost
10 percent of the company's 2003 total. DuPont has been pushing its
Teflon-branded materials (known as fluoroproducts) for new uses - such
as a built-in stain repellent for fabrics and a spray-on cleaning product
- and has identified new markets, including China, for expansion. The
company has invested $50 million to expand Teflon production and $20
million on an advertising campaign in the United States.DuPont has
reported revenue increases for both quarters of 2004, and earnings
increased 57 percent in the first quarter of 2004. Frank Mitsch,
an analyst with Fulcrum Global Partners, said he thought the E.P.A.
action would not have an immediate effect on DuPont. "This will
be tied up in the courts for a while," he said.
Still, in announcing its second-quarter results on July 23, DuPont
disclosed that it had set aside $45 million as "a reserve for
settlement in connection with the PFOA class-action suit." Gene
Pisasale, an analyst with Wilmington Trust,
a bank that was founded in 1903 by T. Coleman du Pont and is now one
of DuPont's biggest shareholders, said that while "it's not a
huge charge" - thecompany spent more than $1 billion on litigation
over the fungicide Benlate - "if this were to be a continuing
thing, I would have to take a second look."
At the very least, the Teflon flap could damage DuPont's well-polished
image. The 200-year-old company, based in Wilmington, Del., prides
itself on its corporate values, and Mr. Holliday is a high-profile
advocate of socially responsible business. "In the chemical industry,
the critical thing is not only investor perception, but consumer trust," Mr.
Pisasale said. "That can be very hard to build back."
In a preliminary risk assessment report released last spring, the
E.P.A. said PFOA was a possible carcinogen, but did not advise that
consumers stop using Teflon products. PFOA is used as a processing
aid in making many Teflon products and and is not present in end products,
such ascookware. But some researchers assert that some Teflon products
can release PFC's, including PFOA, in the environment and in the human
body. They contend that this could account for its wide presence in
the environment and in the population.
A spokesman for W. L. Gore &Associates, which makes Gore-Tex,
said the material it gets from DuPont does not break down into PFOA,
but he conceded that the material could contain trace amounts and that
there was still an open question about safety. "Are the downstream
folks involved? Sure. We all want to find the sources and pathways
here," the spokesman, Ed Schneider, said.
A study that appeared this month in Environmental Science &Technology,
published by the American Chemical Society, found varying levels of
PFC's, including PFOA, in the blood of people living on four continents.
The researchers postulated that prolonged use of products containingPFC's
- like paper products, packaging, carpet treatments and stain-resistant
textiles and cleaners - could be a major source of human exposure.
DuPont dismisses such reports as speculation, and says it is working
with the E.P.A. to study the sources of PFOA in the environment. Because
PFC's do not occur naturally, the most likely sources are thought to
be manufacturing releases or breakdown from products. The company acknowledges
that fumes from Teflon pans subjected to high heat can release gasses
unrelated to PFOA, which can kill pet birds and cause a flulike condition
in humans known as polymer fume fever. PFOA is known to cause cancer
in some animals, and has been linked to liver damage and other problems
in animals. Its effects on human health have been little studied.
In the 1980's, a DuPont study of female workers exposed to the substance
found that two out ofseven women gave birth to babies with facial
defects similar to those observed in the offspring of rats that had
been exposed to PFOA in another study. In its complaint, the E.P.A.
charged that DuPont had also detected PFOA in the blood of at least
one of the fetuses and in public drinking water in communities near
DuPont plants, but did not report that it had done the tests.THERE
is no federal requirement for companies to test unregulated chemicals
like PFOA, but if companies have reason to believe a substance
poses a threat, they are required by the Toxic Substances Control Act
to notify the E.P.A. The agency also said DuPont was in violation of
another federal environmental law for not providing all of the toxicological
data it had gathered aboutthe chemical after a 1997 request from the
The class-action lawsuit, filed in Wood County, W.Va., the home of
the Washington Works plantwhere DuPont has made Teflon for decades,
has turned up a series of documents that DuPont had sought to shield
as proprietary information. The latest came to light in May, when the
West Virginia Supreme Court voted unanimously to unseal several DuPont
memorandums from 2000 in which John R. Bowman, a company lawyer, warned
two of his superiors - Thomas L. Sager, a vice president and assistant
general counsel, and Martha L. Rees, an associate general counsel -
that the company would "spend millions to defend these lawsuits
and have the additional threat of punitivedamages hanging over our
He added that other companies that had polluted drinking water supplies
near their factories had warned him that it was cheaper and easier
to replace those supplies and settle claims than to try to fight them
in court. And those companies, he noted, had spilled chemicals that
did not persist in the environment the way that PFOA does. "Our
story is not a good one," he wrote in one memorandum. "We
continued to increase our emissions into the river in spite of internal
commitments to reduce or eliminate the release of this chemical into
the community and environment because of our concern about the biopersistence
of this chemical."
Another document summarizes the company's strategy for deflecting
the PFOA issue and litigation. It offers various suggestions for improving
credibility with employees, the community and regulators, such as "keep
issue out of press as much as possible" and "do not create
impression that DuPont did harm to the environment."
Local officials said the memorandums - with the E.P.A.'s action and
recent tests that found increasing PFOA levels in their water - confirmed
their fears."We've been exposed since at least 1984," said
Robert Griffin, general manager of the Little Hocking Water Association,
which serves
about 4,000 homes in rural Washington County, Ohio, directly across
the Ohio River from DuPont's Washington Works plant. "The community
could have dealt with it back then, but DuPont saw fit notto inform
In June, Mr. Griffin included a warning in his annual water quality
report to customers. It stated, in bold capital letters, that until
the issue was resolved, "You are drinking this water at your own
Copyright 2004 The New
York Times Company
huge HURRAY! to the Meyer Corporation the
makers of Circulon Cookware. They are the first manufacturers of non-stick
cookware that we've come across to put a warning about non-stick pans
in with their product on their "Designed For Easy Use & Care
card-point #2:
pans, when left to boil dry or placed under a broiler, will release
fumes fatal to birds."
Meyer Corporation has done what many other companies have failed to
do...inform the public about the potential hazards to animals from their
products! This deserves a word of praise! Write or call today!
Corporation, Inc.
One Meyer Plaza
Vallejo, CA 94590
Fax: 707-551-2953
I hope this warning
will others who love their birds as much as I loved my quaker. He died
last week after I installed new evaporative cooler pads in my Mastercool
evaporative cooler. The instruction sheet that comes with the product
said there would be an "odor" that would come off of the pads for about
24 hours. My 'Greenbean' died 6 hours later of respiratory failure.
I contacted the company who makes these pads for the Mastercool cooler
as well as pads that fit other machines to obtain a Material Safety
Data sheet (MSDS). I wanted to find out exactly what the "odor" was
that they warned me about. These pads are preserved with formaldehyde,
phenol, acrylics and elemental copper. I asked the Munters company if
they had done any testing on birds before they labeled their product
safe for it's distributors. the answer, "no." this product is sold under
the names of CELdek, CELdek with Mi-T-edg, Mi-T-Cool, and Mi-T-edg.
I hope maybe we can warn others to remove their birds from the house
for the day if they use this product.
Kay Ewy
Tucson, Arizona
e-mail states:
Sun, 29 Dec 2002 13:31:00 -0500
From: "Liz Wilson"
Subject: PB: RE: Carpet Fresh HAS Killed
many (most?) of the internet claims of toxicities, Carpet Fresh has
been *documented* as being toxic to birds. There was a presentation
at the AAV's annual conference in 1994 regarding a documented case
Carpet Fresh being responsible for the deaths of 13 small birds in
Iowa, based on pathology reports on multiple autopsies. 8 birds died
1 hour of exposure and the following 5 died overnight. The cause of
death was identified as a proprietary ingredient called Veilex (T).
The veterinarian involved offered to work with the company -- Airwick
-- to identify what exactly was toxic but the company refused, and
refused to reveal the ingredients of this "Veilex." They had to be
threatened with lawsuits before they compensated the owner for her
lost birds,
and as far as I know, have still not put any warnings on their packaging
... which incidentally advertises the product as being safe around
is unfortunate this person did not have an autopsy done, as nothing
will apparently convince these companies to change if they are not damaged
financially, and there will never be any lawsuits if owners do not have
pathology to back up their claims. In case anyone would care to send
comments to the manufacturer of Carpet Fresh asking for their reconsideration
of a warning concerning the potential danger to pet birds you can go
to their contact page at:
The manufacturer is WD40.
is right - they do market their product as safe to animals. If you browse
their site you will also see that they "sponsor and support projects
and programs that improve the quality of life in the communities we
serve" and that they are "committed to the effort of community relations
through the application of financial and human resources." so a simple
warning label should be a snap - wouldn't you think?
give something that SHOULD NOT EVEN BE INHALED, a Country Fresh Scent?!?
It's almost guaranteed that some child will mistake it for air freshener
and be horribly poisoned. The World Health Organization conservatively
estimates that more than 25 million people are poisoned by pesticide
poisons, worldwide, each year, resulting in at least 20,000 deaths.
In the US about 90% of poisonings happen in the home, and more than
half of them involve children under age six. Please contact SC
Johnson and let them know that this ridiculous product threatens
the health of millions of unsuspecting people, especially children.
Walgreens is also selling it on their website. Let their Investor
Relations department know that you don't approve of them making
a profit off of such a dangerous product.
Please warn people about the following product. My wife and I recently
lost two members of our family. One was a 4 year old Orange Wing Amazon,
and the other member of my family was a 10 year old Parakeet. Both in
perfect health and happy as can be. One Saturday morning, at 2:30 am,
we heard a hallowed squawking sound from Andy, our Orange Wing Amazon.
We found him at the bottom of his cage, gasping for air. A minute later,
he died in my arms. Immediately following his death (approximately 2
minutes), my parakeet passed on as well.
were dumfounded. We had not a clue as to what happened. We checked for
any gas leaks, had the power company come out, but not a trace of gas.
We later learned that their death was caused by fumes from an electric
heater, purchased to help take the chill out of the air for our dear
family members.
quartz heater purchased was a MARVIN MODEL 5000 QUARTZ HEATER, with
Humidifier. Apparently some of the parts have been coated with TEFLON,
without warning on the packaging. I will be contacting the manufacturer
soon to voice my displeasure. Please be cautious of electric heaters.”
was listening to Dr. Dean Edell on the radio Saturday and he mentioned
"long burning candles" saying they have a metal core in the wick that
causes them to burn slower. A professor of environmental health sciences
at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor has run some tests on these
candles and has found they raise the level of lead in the air to as
much as thirty times what the EPA has deemed safe for people. I can't
compare that with bird safe, safe for people can be instant death for
I don't know if the metal cored wicks are only in use in the scented
candles or if you can find them in any candles. Kind of makes you think
twice about burning any kind of candle. Please, pass this on as you
see fit.
Patroller Scott/aka Saddle Magic
last weekend my lovebird flew on to the top of our halogen floor lamp.
We quickly got him off but we saw some smoke. Today he is seems to be
keeping off one of his claws and there is a burn mark.” [If that bulb
had touched his body he probably would have burned to death. Those bulbs
are extremely hot. This is really a problem with birds that fly. We
once bought one, realized the death trap it was for our little guys,
and returned it. --Bird HotLine
KEYS Forwarded by permission of Nancy Strong on October 14, 1999:
on A3 of the L.A. Times was an article about the danger of lead poisoning
from brass keys. Attorney Gen. Bill Lockyer sued 13 key and lock companies
for not warning consumers. He said, "It turns out there are very significant
exposures that can be dangerous, particularly to small children, and
you know ... I see small kids with keys in their mouths at the grocery
store all the time." Keys -- particularly brass ones -- are about 2%
lead. Laboratory tests with three dozen keys found that if people handled
their keys twice a day, the amount of lead that rubbed off on their
fingers was an average of 19 times the state's "no-risk" level. Most
silver color keys - such as car keys - contain only trace amounts of
lead. Companies cited in the suit include Kwikset Corp., Schlage Lock
Co. and Master Lock Co.
I shopped for bird toys this week end I saw some acrylic bird toys with
real brass keys dangling on them. If you have these toys, please remove
the keys right away.
following web site provides information on nutrition from Dr. Alicia McWatters.
The site also has a list of most dangerous plants to your birds as well
as ones that are not harmful to your birds.
came to us via e-mail: "My cockatiel died after I used Arm & Hammer
Pet Fresh carpet deodorizer. The Company finally admitted it's not recommended
for use around birds. They said they didn't need to put a warning on
the product. I'm just broken hearted, and her mate is just lost without
her, Loretta. This is the first time we have heard of this, and one
case doesn't necessarily make it so, but we thought we had better let
you know so that you would be aware."
from Dr. Sue Chan, DVM, MPVM dated 12/6/99:
has been a lot of discussion regarding the potential hazards of Febreze
to birds. The manufacturer has made some modifications in their formulation
in response to the controversy, but when I questioned the Proctor and
Gamble consumer representative, they would not tell me what kind of
testing had actually been done and refused to let me speak to a technical
expert. The representative did say it was the FRAGRANCE, not the zinc
that causes toxicity in birds.
was told that the label has been changed to warn about use in birds,
but the bottles I found on the shelf as recently as this week still
do not reflect this change. I spoke at length with a Dr. Hansen from
the ASPCA who told me that there may be a problem with birds and they
are still collecting data---which mean that owners who have birds that
die should send them the body (don't freeze it) so Dr. Branson Ritchie
at the University of Georgia can do a necropsy. He did say there has
been NO testing in birds to date. Thus, it is imperative that bird owners
who have had birds die IMMEDIATELY call
the ASPCA to find out what to do with the body.
it is too late to do this, at least report their experiences to the
ASPCA with as much detail as possible so there is a body of information
on which to warrant further study if necessary. Please spread the word
to other animal owners and people involved in the pet industry---veterinarians,
pet shops, breeders, etc. It is important that as much information as
possible is gathered so any potential danger to birds is adequately
addressed as soon as possible.
Sue Chan, DVM, MPVM
e-mail states:
"A woman on the budgie list just lost all of her birds except one that
seems to be pulling through after her husband sprayed Febreze on their
sofa. She delineated the complete ordeal, even multiple calls to Procter
and Gamble and her vet contacts. To ward off other disasters, the budgie
list owner suggested that members get in contact with local media. (I
don't see why P&G can't pull it off the shelves until they can slap
a big sign on it of a bird with the international NO symbol superimposed.)
If you have access to anyone who could help get the word out, please
do!" Carol Woofers and Tweeters (active ingredient: Zinc Chloride--deadly
to birds--confirmed by P&G employee)
e-mail warning states:
Hello All, I wanted to forward the following note which I got via the
canary list to all of you. The new product for killing odors, Febreze,
has been a big topic for some time amongst canary breeders because it
kills birds. The company has been putting out disclaimers for months,
but they have just entered our market in So. Calif. so we will begin
to hear about it more here. In any case, it is bad for animals, children,
birds, etc... Probably not wonderful for adults either since we do fall
in the first category. So just a reminder to you and yours to keep it
simple and just open those windows and clean those houses.
I recently heard about Febreze, there has been a warning note posted
on the dogs' message board over at iVillage - apparently it can cause
anything from allergic reactions to spasms to death in most animals
and children, depending on the dosage they receive. I have been trying
to find out if the chemical is related to whatever is in those 'baking
soda carpet deodorizers' that is also so deadly to canaries - I know
several people who have lost birds, even those in other rooms, after
using it...
the other side is a letter from the National Animal Poison Contol Center,
but please read it carefully:
National Animal Poison Control Center
1717 S. Philo Road Suite 36
Urbana, IL 61802
Date: March 26, 1999
To: Whom It May Concern
Subject: Febreze™ Fabric Refresher
Recently there have been comments and discussions posted on the Internet
suggesting that the use of Febreze™ Fabric Refresher in households is
dangerous to animals. We have issued the following statement in order
to help disseminate accurate information:
toxicologists at the ASPCA National Animal Poison Control Center are
conducting an on-going investigation into claims that use of Febreze™
in the home caused the death of several pets. All
information reviewed to date suggests that there is no evidence that
Febreze™ represents any risk to pets when used according to label instructions.
Presently, the center considers the product safe to use in households
with pets. As with any cleaning product, the center
recommends that birds be removed from the room until the product application
has dried and the area has been ventilated.
call 1-800-345-4735 if you have any questions or have a pet that you
suspect is experiencing problems or visit us at"
Please photocopy this letter or download our statement from our web
site and pass the correct information on to other friends of animals.
Sincerely, Steven R. Hansen, DVM, MS
Diplomate American Board of Veterinary Toxicology
Senior Vice President
may also view another letter at their website listed above dated April
e-mail states:
"A lady at our club meeting yesterday brought in a box of the new Reynolds
cooking bags made of aluminum and plastic made for the oven...They say
you can use them up to 450...She used 2 bags at 375 for 40 minutes and
after coming back in 30 minutes found her Amazon closest to the kitchen
pumping for air and eyes were burnt from the fumes...Metallic fumes
filled the air...There is no doubt this bird would have been dead in
another 10 minutes...Other birds suffered eye irritations. She called
the company and reported it and we will run this in our club newsletter..Please
post this where you think you may save birds lives...Bnita"
An e-mail states: On the issue of consumer
protection and hazardous warnings, here's a new one, I think. Those
yellow sponges with the green plastic fibers on the back for scrubbing
pots -- "Pot Scrubbers" -- should be kept far away from our birds, fish,
reptiles, cats and dogs, hamsters and whatevers.
& Gamble, in its continuing search to make America look clean and smell
great, has a new "improved" version of the sponge on the market that
kills odor-causing fungi that get in the sponge after a few uses. They
make a big deal out of this innovation on the outside packaging. A friend
of mine used one of these sponges to clean the glass on a 200-gallon
aquarium. The abrasive backs are good for removing algae and smutz that
collect on the inside of the tank. He refilled the tank and after the
water had time to condition and rid itself of chlorine, he reintroduced
his tropical fish collection of some 30 fish.
five hours of putting the fish back in the tank, they were all dead!
Some began to die after only 30 minutes. He removed the survivors to
another tank but they all died. Retracing his steps to clean the tank,
the only thing that was different was using that new kind of sponge
-- he'd used the regular old Pot Scrubbers for years. Lo and behold
I discovered on the back of the packaging in about the finest print
you could put on plastic a description of the fungicide in the sponge
and the warning in tiny bold-face letters, "not for use in aquariums.
Keep away from other pets." Thanks for warning Proctor & Gamble.
seems the fungicide is a derivative of the systemic pesticide-herbicide,
2-4-D, more popularly known as Agent Orange, the chemical we sprayed
all over Southeast Asian during the Vietnam War that many veterans and
war refugees say did them permanent damage to their lungs and nervous
systems. The package warning goes on to say they fungicide cannot be
washed from the sponge even if it is placed in the dishwasher (in which
case Agent Orange is now all over your dishes and drinking glasses).
And, if you think its there to kill disease-causing bacteria like Salmonella
from contaminated chicken meat, think again -- it's not and affective
enough bactericide to kill those kind of bugs.
called P&G to register a complaint and told them I'd never use their
products again because I couldn't trust what they were putting in them.
By the way, the same chemical in the sponge is used now in many of those
popular anti-bacterial, anti-viral disinfectant liquid soaps and hand
cleaners that are flooding the market.
Don't buy that poison and warn your friends as well.
following web site provided by one of our readers "debunks" the aforementioned
statement. You may visit this site and read for yourself.