Dear Viewers,
Welcome to our new "Take
Action" page. We hope that you will take just a few moments
of your day to check in with us occasionally and act on these important
pieces of legislation, petitions, or to lend a hand simply by clicking
on a site to feed an animal, save the rain forest or get critical
on health issues that can affect you and your family. We at Birds &
More would like to thank you for your participation and concern for
the welfare of animals and the planet on which we live!
The Staff of Birds & More
Animal Issues | Environmental
Issues | Health Issues

ONE GENERATION AND OUT" is not just limited to purebred dogs and
cats. Now our "non-native" species" are targets of the
animal prohibitionist agenda. Under HR 669, "non-native" basically
means if a species of animal didn't live in the US before the arrival
of Columbus it is "non-native", and if HR 669 passes, most
non-native species of animal (i.e., exotic animals) won't remain
in the US much longer. That means your exotic pet bird, reptile,
or mammal.
HR 669 is a very serious and harmful animal prohibition proposal. HR
669 is not needed to protect our environment. HR 699 is the legislative
equivalent of a nuclear bomb that is aimed at the entire US exotic
pet industry, all US exotic pet owners, and all exotic animals in the
HR 669 is an "anti-animal bill". There is no amendment that
can fix this bill. HR 669 will hurt everyone who owns an animal, and
it will hurt our animals. Breeder, pet owner, rescuer, rehabilitator,
zoo, service or product provider - it doesn't matter - we will all
be hurt by this bill. HR 669 needs to be killed at the April 23rd hearing
- not amended, not "made better" - HR 669 NEEDS TO BE KILLED.
Please contact the Representatives hearing this bill NOW and ask
them to KILL HR 669 (see below for contact information).
All import, export, transport across State lines, selling, buying,
bartering, or offering to sell, buy or barter, and all breeding,
and release, of all non-native species not on the "approved list" will
be prohibited - even by zoos, sanctuaries, and licensed breeders. Permits
authorizing only "importation" may be issued to "zoos,
scientific research, medical, accredited zoological or aquarium display
purposes, or for educational purposes that are specifically reviewed,
approved, and verified by the Secretary". There is no requirement
that any permits be granted.& nbsp; Even if these institutions
are able to obtain the required permits, where will they obtain their
imported animals? Habitat for many species is declining worldwide,
many species are endangered or threatened in the wild, and many species
cannot be imported to the US under the CITES treaty. The result of
this bill will be to put a stop domestic breeding of most endangered
or threatened species in the US for zoos, conservation, or reintroduction
programs. Zoos are not immune from the animal prohibitionist agenda.
If you "possess" a non-approved species "legally" prior
to enactment of the law, you will be allowed to keep it, but all
of the other restrictions pf HR 669 will still apply to your species
you will not be allowed to sell, transfer, transport across State
lines, export, barter, trade, breed, or give that animal to anyone
Pet owners will not be allowed to take their non-approved pets with
them if they move to another state, and they will not be allowed
to transfer them to anyone else who can care for them. Those pets will
be euthanized when their owners move, die, or can no longer keep
pets for whatever reason. Pet owners and their pets are not immune
from the animal prohibitionist agenda.
Rescue" and "sanctuary" will not be available for
any non-approved species unless the rescue or sanctuary keeps only
found within their respective States. That result has been contemplated
for years. Rescues and Sanctuaries are not immune from the animal
prohibitionist agenda.
Any person or company manufacturing or selling food or products for
non-native (exotic) species will be affected by this act. &nbs
p; If non-native (exotic) species cannot be legally possessed, bought,
sold, or transferred, there will be no incentive for manufacturers
of food, caging, and supplies for these animals to remain in business.
Where will non-native (exotic) animal owners obtain the food and
materials needed to keep their animals?
Freeflight of exotic birds will be prohibited.
Under existing federal law, it must be shown that a species is harmful
before it is prohibited. That approach is reasonable, and has worked
reasonably well for many years. In essence, HR 669 turns that reasonable
approach on its head, and substitutes the unreasonable and unjustified
approach of "bomb first, ask questions later".
HR 669 requires the government to create an "approved" list
of "non-native" species that will be allowed in the US. Any
species not on the "approved" list will be prohibited. Under
HR 668 the "approved" list shall include "nonnative
wildlife species that the Secretary finds ... based on scientific
and commercial information .... (A) are not harmful to the United
economy, the environment, or other animal species' or human health;
or (B) may be harmful to the United States' economy, the environment,
or other animal species' or human health, but already are so widespread
in the United States that it is clear to the Secretary that any import
prohibitions or restrictions would have no practical utility for
the United States."
It takes time and money for the government to study any species and
make a "finding". Time and money are always in short supply,
and are especially in short supply in this economy. If your species
is not included on the original "approved list", then under
HR 669 you can try to get your species "approved" by paying
a fee and submitting a proposal to our government to include it on
the "approved list". Your proposal "must include sufficient
scientific and commercial information to allow the Secretary to evaluate
whether the proposed nonnative wildlife species is likely to cause
economic or environmental harm or harm to other animal species' or
human health." While your proposal is being "evaluated" by
our government, you and your animals are still subject to the restrictions
of HR 669. Whether your proposal will ever be granted is pure speculation.
There a re more than 9000 bird species, and thousands of species
of birds are kept in the US. There are many other non-native (exotic)
species owned by animal lovers across the US. How many bird or other
non-native (exotic) species do you think our government can afford
to study and determine that they can be added to this newly created "approved
If the required study can't be made of a species, and the required
finding isn't made about a species, the animal won't make it to the
approved list. That applies to every species of non-native (exotic)
Contact your Representatives NOW
1. You can use NAIA's Capwiz tool to send an automatic email or fax
to each of the Representatives who will hear this bill to ask them
to KILL HR 669. Here's the link to send your email using Capwiz:
2. PIJAC has provided us with a PDF flyer which explains to pet owners
how HR 669 will hurt all of us and our animals. The PIJAC
PDF flyer
is attached to this email. The PIJAC PDF flyer provides you with contact
information - use it. Please contact your own Representatives NOW,
and tell them to KILL HR 669. Be polite and respectful, but be clear
and firm in your opposition to this bill. Be brief, and tell them a
few reasons why you think it is a bad bill. Short and to the point
works best. If you have time, you can also contact all of the other
Representatives in your State.
Write to your Representative using their contact pages on their websites.
Unfortunately, it is sometimes hard for us to contact some of our
Representatives - emails don't often go through, letters aren't read,
and we sometimes
have to write individually to our Representatives using the contact
pages they put up on their websites. PIJAC has done the work to give
us links where needed for these contact pages for these websites
so that we can make those contacts (see the attached PIJAC PDF flyer),
and NAIA is making "Capwiz" available for the one-shot
contact - go to the Capwiz webpage at
Call and Fax your Representative at the numbers provided on the attached
PDF PIJAC flyer.
Be sure to contact the local office of your own Representative by phone,
and if you can, make a personal visit. Our congressional representatives
are now on recess, and will return to their work at the Capitol next
week. Let your Representatives' local offices know NOW that you want
them to KILL HR 669. If the local staff hear from enough constituents
that they want a bill killed, they will let their Representatives know
that their constituents hate this bill.
3. Distribute this email, NAIA's link, and PIJAC's PDF flyer widely
to everyone you know who loves animals and wants to keep them in our
lives. In particular, send it to any pet lists you are on. This bill
will impact almost all non-native animals. Ask them to contact the
representatives and ask them to KILL HR 669.
You can see PIJAC's earlier alert on HR 669 here:
You can see the full text of the bill here:
4. If you have a website or belong to a discussion list, post this
Alert and the PDF attachment. Ask your friends to do the same.
Does the Pennsylvania Proposed Ban of the Nanday Conure of 2008 ring a
bell for anyone?
For those bird owners who fought so hard and so well for the Nanday in
Pennsylvania in 2008 - that was just target practice.
Get your phones, emails, and faxes working and get our troops marching
again. We need every one of you to help again, and we need the help of
everyone you
know. It doesn't matter if they own a bird, a dog, a cat, a turtle, a hamster,
a fish, a snake, a tiger, a monkey, or any other animal. We are all affected
by this bill. Don't let the animal prohibitionists force their agenda on
the rest of us.
Genny Wall
Attorney at Law
Legislative VP, AFA, NAIA
Laurella Desborough
Legislative Chair, ASA, NAIA
With great thanks to Marshall Meyers of PIJAC for providing their materials
and for working on behalf of all of us.
" The makers of our Constitution undertook to secure conditions favorable
to the pursuit of happiness. They recognized the significance of man's spiritual
nature, of his feelings and of his intellect. They knew that only a part
of the pain, pleasure and satisfactions of life are to be found in material
things. They sought to protect Americans in their beliefs, their thoughts, their
and their sensations. They conferred, as against the government, the right
to be let alone - the most comprehensive of rights and the right most valued
by civilized men. To protect that right, every unjustifiable intrusion
the government upon the privacy of the individual, whatever the means employed,
must be deemed a violation of the Fourth Amendment. And the use, as evidence
in a criminal proceeding, of facts ascertained by such intrusion must be
a violation of the Fifth."
--Justice Louis Brandeis OLMSTEAD v. U.S., 277 U.S. 438 (1928)
" In our country are evangelists and zealots of many different political,
economic and religious persuasions whose fanatical conviction is that all
thought is
divinely classified into two kinds -- that which is their own and that
which is false and dangerous."
-- Justice Robert H. Jackson (1892-1954), U. S. Supreme Court Justice

Pets & Animals in Distress (the banners above) is a marketing, advertising
and educational organization that assists private and public shelters
by providing free shelter marketing and pet adoption advertising to
the public through their PAW (Pet & Animal World) publication, newsletter
and website. Pets & Animals is also circulating a National Spay and
Neuter Petition to get public funded kill shelters to offer Free Spay
/ Neuter programs available to the community public.
FOTP’s purpose is to protect, promote, and ensure
the preservation of the wild peafowl in PVE for future generations
of property owners to enjoy as part of the natural character of our
semi-rural coastal city. We further exist to uphold the Peafowl Management
Program adopted by City Council in 1986, which provides a specific
plan for the city to maintain sustaining levels of birds in two flock
areas known as Espinosa Circle and Malaga Cove Library areas. Please
help us preserve these beautiful birds for future generations. Visit
our site today!
Species Act Turns 30
The Endangered Species Act Turns 30
The Endangered Species Act was passed in 1973, helping turn the tide
against extinction for many species. But over its 30 years, the act
has had a mixed record. While it has prevented the extinction of nearly
all the species it protects, it has been less successful in recovering
species to the point where they are no longer endangered. However, Environmental
Defense is working to increase the act's effectiveness and recover endangered
species through unique, incentive-based programs like Safe Harbor, which
helps private landowners maintain critical habitat for endangered species
on their land. Read
the full story online.
members of Congress told us they voted against our animal-protection
amendments because of pressure from special interest groups like
the NRA. It’s going to be a tough fight, but now is the time to
let your legislators know that animal-protection advocates are
and determined and won't give up, even in the face of opposition
from the animal abuse industries. Give your legislators a call
and let them know how you feel about their votes on these issues.
federal Reps. can be reached through the Capitol switchboard: 202-224-3121.
If you need to look up the names of your U.S. Rep., go to,
or call The HSUS at 202-955-3668.

In Tuesday's election, unfortunately, animals had several defeats
and few victories. Trophy hunters were able to defeat Ballot Measure
3 in Alaska and Question
2 in Maine, both of which would have banned cruel and unsporting methods
of hunting bears. Although hunting groups hugely outspent ban supporters,
Alaska measure gained 41% of the vote and the Maine referendum received 47%
of the vote. These close votes--in the face of fearmongering, scare tactics,
and major revenue streams from out-of-state trophy hunting groups and gun
manufacturers--demonstrate that citizens find bear baiting and other
cruel and unsportsmanlike practices
In Florida, the vote for Amendment 4 went down to the wire and ended
with a stunning recount. Unfortunately, the measure, which allows slot
machines at south Florida greyhound tracks, was approved by a razor-thin
margin (50.7% to 49.3%). The greyhound racing industry spent $25 million
on this one race, and the pro-animal vote came incredibly close to
winning. Slots at dog tracks will prove a massive new revenue stream
for wealthy greyhound track owners and prop up this inhumane industry.
These heartbreaking losses illustrate two important points in the
fight to protect animals: the importance of running well-funded campaigns
to counter the massive spending by trophy hunters, dog tracks, and
other cruel and exploitive industries, and the need to elect pro-animal
legislators. Fortunately, many good state and federal candidates either
won new office or were re-elected this November and a few particularly
anti-animal legislators were sent home. The Fund for Animals, as a
nonprofit charity, is not involved in elections of candidates, but
you can find information from other groups such as HumaneUSA PAC about
favorable candidates who were elected and harmful ones who were defeated.
here for results of 2004 ballot initiatives.
here to go to HumaneUSA PAC's website.
Even though chickens, ducks, geese and turkeys make up the overwhelming
majority of animals killed for food in the United States (9 billion
a year), they have
no protection under the Humane Methods of Slaughter Act. To get Congress
to amend the law to provide the same basic protections for poultry
that cows,
pigs, lambs, and other livestock have, we need to demonstrate widespread
support as quickly as possible.
Please join
the thousands of people who have signed the Petition for Poultry.
Help gather 25,000
signatures by Thanksgiving, the day when
millions of birds have nothing to be grateful for. It will only take
a minute of your time to help billions of animals. Please ask your
friends and family members to sign, too.
here to sign the Petition for Poultry.
we are rescuing and caring for abused animals at our Black Beauty
Ranch sanctuary
or helping to pass stronger animal protection
laws, The Fund is there for animals, and we need you there with us.
Thank you for helping us "speak for those who can't."
online through our secure server are always welcome.
Thank you for your support!
top of page

Drop used cell phones in collection boxes at stores
and kiosks where cell phones are sold, or send old phones to organizations
such as Charitable Recycling. For every phone it receives, Charitable
Recycling will make a donation to NWF or another charity of your choice.
Send this printable
NWF mailing label (this label is in Adobe
PDF format)
with your donated phones to The Charitable Recycling Program, 794-A
Industrial Court, Bloomfield Hills, MI 48302.
Donate now to ensure a future for America's
wildlife and wild places.
Charitable Recycling Program
794-A Industrial Court
Bloomfield Hills, MI 48302

Help save
Noah's B'ark homeless doggies and kitties by recycling your ink and
laser cartridges. Drop
them off when Noah's B'ark does their
adoptions at Petco in Torrance(24413 Crenshaw Blvd) on any Saturday
from 12 noon to 4pm.
Empty ink jet and laser
cartridges can be recycled and re-used. For each recyclable cartridge
you give
us, Noah's B'ark will receive up to $4.00 for each
ink jet and $1.00 to $12.00 for each laser cartridge. It doesn't
take long for that to add up. Please ask your friends, relatives, and
save their empties too!
Thank You, Shelly Gomez of Noah's B'ark
of page

Cancer Patient Protection Act
Important info for all women
and men too!. This is a time when our voices and choices should
be heard.
This takes about 30 seconds to vote on this issue ... and let others
you know who will do the same. There's a bill called the Breast
Patient Protection Act which will require insurance companies to cover
a minimum 48-hour hospital stay for patients undergoing a mastectomy.
It's about eliminating the "drive-through mastectomy" wherewomen are
forced to go home hours after surgery against the wishes of their
still groggy from anesthesia and sometimes with drainage tubes still
Lifetime Television has put
this bill on their web page with a petition drive to show your support.
Last year over half the House signed on. PLEASE! Sign the petition by
clicking on the web site below and help women with breast cancer get
the care they need and deserve! There is no cost or monetary pledge
involved. You need not give more than your name and zip code number.
Thank you!
Disease: New Rare Form of Breast Cancer Discovered
This is a rare form of breast
cancer, and is on the outside of the breast, on the nipple and aureola.
It appears as a rash, which can later became a lesion with a crusty
outer edge. Sometimes, it itches and is sore, but other than that it
seems harmless. It is frequently thought to be a skin inflammation or
infection, leading to unfortunate delays in detection and care.
What are the symptoms?
The symptoms include:
1. A persistent redness,
oozing, and crusting of your nipple causing it to itch and burn.
2. A sore on your nipple
that will not heal.
3. Usually only one nipple
is affected.
How is it diagnosed?
Your doctor will do a physical
exam and should suggest having a mammogram of both breasts, done
Even though the redness, oozing and crusting closely resemble dermatitis
(inflammation of the skin), your doctorshould suspect cancer if
sore is only on one breast. Your doctor should order a biopsy of your
sore to confirm what is going on. This message should be taken seriously
and passed on to as many of your relatives and friends as possible;
it could save someone's life.
of page