Walter J. Rosskopf owner of the Avian & Exotic Animal Hospital
in Hawthorne, California. Dr. Rosskopf has extensive experience in
treating a wide variety of animals like birds, dogs, and cats in addition
to some rather unusual and exotic pet companions like snakes, ferrets,
hamsters, tarantulas, fish, and rabbits just to name a few. If your
pet walks, flies, crawls, slithers, hops, swims or swings in the trees,
the good doctor is here to help.
doctor is assisted in his practice by an experienced technical staff
he has personally
trained. Karen Lee Allen, "The Parrot
Lady" ™, has had the distinct pleasure of working with Dr.
Rosskopf for nearly twenty years. Dr. Rosskopf has earned local, national,
international recognition for his accomplishments and contributions
regarding the veterinary care of caged birds and other companion exotic
pets. As a matter of fact, our Dr. Rosskopf is one of approximately
70 certified
avian veterinarians in the United States.
work includes lecturing both here and abroad, the authorship of well
over 100 professional
journal articles, and written contributions
to numerous textbooks. Their most recent published accomplishment is
the textbook "Diseases of Cage & Aviary
Birds", 3rd edition,
for which both Dr. Rosskopf and his retired partner, Dr. Richard Woerpel,
made substantial written contributions and were the coeditors. Dr.
Rosskopf cheerfully accepts the responsibility of teaching veterinary
students and other veterinarians who visit his hospital about companion
exotic pet medicine and surgery. Last but certainly not least, our
own Dr. Rosskopf often answers your questions on the Birdhotline's "Vet
Talk" column giving lots of wonderful information and advice
on pet birds.